Free 2020 calendars


“Time is really the only capital any human being has, and the one thing he/she can't afford to waste.

– American inventor Thomas Edison

If you’re anything like me then you burst with many creative ideas you want to pursue in life, but the thought of starting from scratch and not knowing where to begin often brings along the company of anxiety and overwhelm, the result - you end up not moving forward at all. I’ve created a planner to help me structure my thoughts and ideas with a quick and simple method which I’m keen to share with you too.

This method will helps me organise ideas and makes a clear, actionable plan, i hoope you find it useful too.  

DISCLAIMER: The aim of this exercise is not to get done as much as possible within a month/year, the aim is to work around your existing schedule, finding the time for the new exciting projects and to prioritize tasks so that you can consistently follow-through, at your own pace.

I’ve designed the worksheets to help me be crystal clear on my priorities. I’ve gone through this process twice - one to set my personal goals and another together with my husband, so that we both know we’re on the same page when it comes to building aspirations for a mutual future.

So here is how I approach it, maybe some of it will be useful to you too.

Firstly, reflect on the past decade

 Remember yourself ten years ago? Take a minute and try to remember what were you doing in 2010?

Notice how much you’ve changed and matured. I don’t know what you’re thinking about yourself in 2010 and I can’t guarantee you won't be thinking the same about yourself in 2030 ( twenty-thirty!! that sounds so surreal), but we’ve entered the new decade of the ’20s and there is no way back.

So, knowing what you know now, being where you’re now - what are the three things you’d tell to younger self? Appreciate & listen to that wisdom of yours.


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Step 1 Print this worksheet or use your journal, take a pen.

What are the three things/projects/ideas you want to accomplish in the next decade? A new career or maybe your own small business? Getting a new degree or learning a new skill? Getting in better shape, or travel the world, or to improve relationships with friends/parents/children?

Imagine yourself this time in 2030…. what are the three things you’ve achieved that make you feel proud of yourself? A decade to do the three things- surely that seems doable, so what is it? Write it down.

Goal #1 ………………………………………..

Goal #2 ………………………………………..

Goal #3 ………………………………………..

This should give you a sense of direction for a decade.

The beauty of this exercise is that it gets you thinking about the real perspective future. You might change some of it next year, or even next month, the most important thing that you’re out of the limbo state and stepped on a clear path to getting there.

Step 2 Now that you’ve set out your three main goals to start a decade, think about each goal separately- what are the three things you can do in 2020 towards it? Maybe the first step for you is to do research or make a call to an old friend?! Just write down the first three things that come to your mind and it will give you a clear start. Repeat the same for the Goal#2 & Goal#3

Goal #1 …………………………..

1 ……………………………………….

2 ………………………………………

3 ………………………………………

Goal #2……………………………

4 ……………………………………….

5 ……………………………………….

6 ……………………………………….

Goal #3……………………………

7 ……………………………………….

8 ……………………………………….

9 ……………………………………….

Step 3 By now you’ve set out the 3 main goals with 9 clear, actionable steps for 2020. At this point you need to divide in three each of the 9 steps to form smaller tasks that you can schedule in your diary.

Goal #1 …………………………..

1.1 ……………………………………….

1.2 ………………………………………

1.3 ………………………………………

2.1 ……………………………………….

2.2 ………………………………………

2.3 ………………………………………

3.1 ……………………………………….

3.2 ………………………………………

3.3 ………………………………………

Goal #2 …………………………..

4.1 ……………………………………….

4.2 ………………………………………

4.3 ………………………………………

5.1 ……………………………………….

5.2 ………………………………………

5.3 ………………………………………

6.1 ……………………………………….

6.2 ………………………………………

6.3 ………………………………………

Goal #1 …………………………..

7.1 ……………………………………….

7.2 ………………………………………

7.3 ………………………………………

8.1 ……………………………………….

8.2 ………………………………………

8.3 ………………………………………

9.1 ……………………………………….

9.2 ………………………………………

9.3 ………………………………………

That’s it!

You have 27 small tasks to do this year to accomplish the three goals for the year. All you have to do now is to look at your diary and schedule it in. Doesn’t it feel good to be able to have all of your aspirations, dreams, and ideas laid out on one A4 page in a clear way, you can look it up at any point of time and make adjustments as necessary.

The idea of 3 may seem very simple at first, but in reality this method divides three main goals into 27 small actionable steps which then can be incorporated into daily ‘to-do lists’. I hope this method inspired you to take a pen and make that first step to feeling accomplished. Let me know what you think in the comments below!